Woodhaven & Woodhaven on the Lake

Another secret hidden in Gallatin right off Brown’s Lane!
Homes for Sale in Gallatin TN! Woodhaven and Woodhaven on the Lake are areas of custom luxury homes near and on the lakefront. Construction began in 1988 and continues to present. It’s a great area located off Browns Lane in Gallatin. Home prices average $450,000, with lakefront properties obviously having a higher price tag.
Thank you for using our website to search for Gallatin TN Homes for Sale. And, when you’re ready, you might want to take a look at our detailed market report for Gallatin.
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Schools Currently Zoned for Woodhaven in Gallatin TN
[su_icon_text color="#0d230d" icon="icon: mortar-board" icon_color="#dcb43a" icon_size="68"]Sumner County Private Schools[/su_icon_text]
Browse Homes for Sale in Woodhaven and Woodhaven on the Lake