Homes for Sale in Lafayette TN (Zip Code 37083) are mostly rural with small country homes to acreage properties. But, you will also find homes secluded in the hills for privacy. Lafayette is the Macon County seat with a population of about 5,000. It’s located on U.S. 52 at U.S. 10 – northeast of Nashville and close to the Kentucky border. The entire area is very scenic with gorgeous views of the hills. It’s beautiful any time of the year!
Lafayette has three elementary schools, one Jr. High and one High School…as well as a private Christian school. If offers a 9-hole semi-private golf course and Lafayette Municipal Airport with a 5,200′ runway. One of the largest manufacturer in Lafayette is Fleetwood Homes. In fact, the area is one of the top producers of burley tobacco and hardwood lumber in the U.S. Nestle has a large bottled water enterprise there as well.
The average priced home in Lafayette is in the mid $100,000’s, although some of the agricultural farms will be much higher. You will easily find most of your shopping needs in town – but you won’t find any major malls or huge stores. They have a good amount of shopping, including Walmart, Tractor Supply, Walgreens, grocery stores and both local and fast food restaurants.
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