Homes for Sale in Westmoreland TN

Homes for Sale in Westmoreland TN (Zip Code 37186) are mostly country and rural homes. You will find plenty of agricultural farming in this area. Westmoreland sits on top of the ridge at about a 925′ elevation, with a population of approximately 2,500.

The average price residential home is around $150,000. For farmland – on average, you can expect to pay about $3,500 per acre.
Westmoreland is located on U.S. 52 and U.S. 31E in Sumner County…right at the Kentucky border. It is situated between Lafayette and Portland, but Scottsville KY is just a quick 15 minute drive north on U.S. 31E. If you like fresh fruit and vegetables in the summertime, the Mennonite community is just a few minutes away.

For shopping, there are local stores for most things, but you can be in several of the larger towns within 30 minutes. The nearest major mall would be either Bowling Green, KY or Rivergate Mall in Goodlettsville. Either of these would be about a 45 minute drive. Westmoreland is less than 30 minutes from I-65.
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