Gallatin TN Homes for Sale in Fairway Farms

Construction began on Gallatin TN Homes for Sale in Fairway Farms in 1995 and continues to present. The average price home for 2017 was $332,000 with an average time on market at a short 4 days. Amenities include a pool and clubhouse…and some of the homes are located on the Long Hollow Public Golf Course. Expect to pay small HOA fee of approximately $40, with a $225 transfer fee.
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Fairway Farms is conveniently located near the Highway 386 By-Pass for easy access to Hendersonville and Nashville.
Lisa Rumley-Lewis 615-478-7591
** We are here to help you find your new home in Gallatin TN and surrounding communities. We know and live in the area! Please feel free to call or contact us with any questions you have!
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Schools Currently Zoned for Fairway Farms
[su_icon_text color=”#0d230d” icon=”icon: mortar-board” icon_color=”#dcb43a” icon_size=”68″]Sumner County Private Schools[/su_icon_text]
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